Employment and turnover

The use of aluminium benefits everyone concerned - the state, the economy and the public ─ both economically and ecologically. The aluminium industry thereby makes a major contribution to technical development and to improving living standards in Germany.


In Germany, aluminium is produced and processed in about 250 plants. Concerns, some of which operate worldwide, and small and medium-sized enterprises thereby create jobs and income for a lot of people involved directly or indirectly in this sector. The aluminium industry provided direct employment for 65,000 people in Germany in 2019.

Total turnover

Turnover in the aluminium industry in Germany in 2019 totalled more than 21 billion euros (2005 = 17 billion euros). More than two thirds of the turnover were achieved by the producers of raw aluminium and semi-finished aluminium products. Two third of all companies were engaged in the conversion of raw and semi-finished aluminium.

Export is important for the German aluminium industry, accounting for over 40 per cent of turnover. Further information is given in the section on foreign trade.

Statistics relating to foreign trade



Andreas Postler

Communcations - Markets - Economic Policies

T +49 211 4796-118