International Aluminium Die casting Competition 2020
Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e.V. (GDA) organised the international competition for aluminium die-castings in partnership with the German Foundrymen's Association (Bundesverband der Deutschen Gießerei-Industrie e.V., BDG). The
Austrain Non-Ferrous Metal Federation of the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO) and the Swiss aluminium association ( also supported the competition.
About the Competition
For many years, the Aluminium Die-casting Award has proven to be a successful platform for demonstrating the high quality standards of aluminium die-castings. The aim of the competition is to boost interest in aluminium, a versatile material, still further and to demonstrate further fields of application. Criteria for evaluating the castings, submitted to the Aluminum Die Casting Competition 2020, were the die-cast conform and resource efficient construction. Prizes were awarded by a jury of experts from research and practice to three castings from renowned manufacturers with a further three castings receiving special commendations. Captive or jobbing foundries can enter as many castings as they wish.

Jörg H. Schäfer
Packaging - Recycling - Sustainability
T +49 211 4796-170