Latest news
On these pages, AD offers up-to-date information on the association and interesting facts about aluminium. If you have specific questions relating to our press releases and publications please do not hesitate to contact us.

Aluminium packaging industry welcomes guideline from ZSVR
more Aluminium packaging industry welcomes guideline from ZSVR

ALUMINIUM 2018 Conference: The programme is set and registration has started
more ALUMINIUM 2018 Conference: The programme is set and registration has started

European Aluminium Semis Industry basking in good economic climate?
more European Aluminium Semis Industry basking in good economic climate?

Deadline of the Call for Papers for the ALUMINIUM 2018 conference extended
more Deadline of the Call for Papers for the ALUMINIUM 2018 conference extended

Bernd Schäfer reelected as chairman of the GDA Semis Division
more Bernd Schäfer reelected as chairman of the GDA Semis Division