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On these pages, AD offers up-to-date information on the association and interesting facts about aluminium. If you have specific questions relating to our press releases and publications please do not hesitate to contact us.

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UBC Recycling

Aluminium packaging industry welcomes guideline from ZSVR

GDA and Deutsche Aluminium Verpackung Recycling GmbH (DAVR) regard the draft guideline published recently by Stiftung ZSVR (Foundation Central Agency Packaging Register) as a good start for the dual systems to assess whether packaging is suitable for recycling.


ALUMINIUM 2018 Conference

ALUMINIUM 2018 Conference: The programme is set and registration has started

The official programme for the ALUMINIUM 2018 Conference from 9 - 11 October 2018 in Düsseldorf is now complete.  Under the heading "Aluminium - Material for the Future" a total of 40 presentations are planned for the three-day period of the trade fair in the sessions Aluminium Markets, Automotive, Surface, Recycling Technologies and Plant, Processes, Digitalisation.


Aerosol cans

Aluminium packaging: recycling, of course!

Recycling topped the agenda at this year’s GDA Sustainable Aluminium Packaging Summit in Düsseldorf.



European Aluminium Semis Industry basking in good economic climate?

The European aluminium semis industry is currently basking in the sunshine of the favourable economic climate currently prevailing.


AC 2018

Deadline of the Call for Papers for the ALUMINIUM 2018 conference extended

GDA Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e.V., Düsseldorf, Germany, has extended the deadline of the Call for Papers for the ALUMINIUM 2018 Conference. GDA is inviting suggestions for topics to be covered and presentations. The deadline for submission is 27 April 2018.


Bernd Schäfer

Bernd Schäfer reelected as chairman of the GDA Semis Division

At the general meeting of the division for semi-finished aluminium products in the Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e.V. (GDA), Düsseldorf, Bernd Schäfer, CEO of apt Sedant Holding GmbH in Monheim, was reelected as its chairman.



European tube industry reports stable growth in 2017

With total production of 10.5 billion tubes in 2017, the member companies of etma – the European tube manufacturers association – continued their path of growth and achieved a year-on-year increase in production of two per cent.


Extruded products

Aluminium extrusion industry in 2018: continued optimism

The European aluminium extrusion industry can look back on a successful 2017 and the current mood and outlook for 2018 are also positive. The German extrusion industry and the German market for extruded products plays an important role within Europe. Business sentiment is positive here as well.



ALUMINIUM 2018 Conference: Call for papers starts

For the fifth time GDA together with Reed Exhibitions are planning and organizing the conference accompanying ALUMINIUM 2018. Under the title “Aluminium - Material for the Future” presentations are planned on the subjects of plant and equipment, automotive, surface, recycling technologies and aluminium markets.
