Mechanical and electrical engineering, transport

Thanks to the variety of semi-finished products and shapes available, aluminium is an indispensable constructional material in mechanical and plant engineering. The transport market, especially the car sector, has developed into the largest market for the aluminium industry. We offer technical advice for these specialist areas. Photo credit: Langerock

Mechanical and electrical engineering

Thanks to the variety of semi-finished products and shapes available, aluminium is an indispensable construction material in mechanical and plant engineering. However, the importance of this market segment for sales of aluminium products is, however, often underestimated. In Germany, the mechanical and plant engineering market is the second most important branch of industry after the car industry; it is the third largest market for aluminium rolled products, forgings, castings and extruded or drawn semi-finished products.



Wolfgang Heidrich

Head of Technology - Research – Standards

T +49 211 4796 - 271

Transport sector

Environmentally responsible mobility is indispensable for quality of life. Whether it be in the car, on the train, on board a ship or a plane: having aluminium in our lives is moving. Photo credit: istock



You can find further information on the processing and machining of semi-finished aluminium products in our technical data sheets.
