News archive 2017

On these pages, AD offers up-to-date information on the association and interesting facts about aluminium. If you have specific questions relating to our press releases and publications, please do not hesitate to contact us.



New video of the European Aluminium Congress 2017

A new interview with John Thuestad conveys estimations and knowledge concerning the current situation of the material aluminium with focus on the automotive section.


EAC 2017

With aluminum on the way to the "Light Society"

With approximately 300 participants, the Congress held in Düsseldorf in late November of 2017 served as the industry meeting point of the year for the international aluminium industry's experts. The guiding theme of this year's EAC was "Aluminium in Automotive Engineering—Challenges and Solutions".


Branchendialog 2017

Industry dialogue with GDA and IG Metall

How can the social partners bring their visions of industry policies into harmony, while still accounting for issues such as globalisation, the new trade policies of the USA, the digitalisation process in companies, and the energy transition?


aluminium tubes

Rising commodity prices overshadow good volume development in tubes and aluminium aerosol cans

German manufacturers of tubes and aluminium aerosol cans are currently enjoying good market conditions. This is being overshadowed, however, by increases in the price of raw materials and consumables, which are substantial in some cases.


Aluminium can scrap

Aluminium package recycling reaches highest level ever

Based on current data compiled by GVM - Gesellschaft für Verpackungsmarktforschung mbH, Mainz, aluminium packaging recycling in 2016 rose to 100,500 tonnes (2015: 96,000). At a market volume of 114,600 tonnes, this translates into an 87.7 percent rate of recycling.


Aluminium Pressure Die Casting Competition 2018

Deadline extension for submissions to the Aluminium Pressure Die Casting Competition 2017/2018

The submission deadline for the Aluminium Pressure Die Casting Competition 2018 has been extended to 25 October 2017.


GDA MV 2017 in Dresden

GDA celebrates its 25th anniversary

Düsseldorf-based Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie (GDA) is celebrating its 25th anniversary. The association was founded on 15 September 1992 in Dresden and to mark the occasion GDA held its general meeting in Dresden again this year. As at the inaugural meeting in 1992, the guest speaker was Professor Kurt H. Biedenkopf, the former state premier of Saxony.


Aluminium in Automotive Engineering – Challenges and Solutions

EAC 2017 - the programme for the event is now complete and registration is open.
